

W. B. Yeats: He wishes for the Cloths of Heaven (私訳)

'Oh Maud, why don't you marry me and give up this tragic struggle and live a peaceful life? I could make such a beautiful life for you among artists and writers who would understand you.'


'Willie, are you not tired of asking that question? How often have I told you to thank the gods that I will not marry you. You would not be happy with me.'


'I am not happy without you.'


'Oh yes, you are, because you make beautiful poetry out of what you call your unhappiness and you are happy in that. Marriage would be such a dull affair. Poets should never marry. The world should thank me for not marrying you.'


A. Norman Jeffares W. B. Yeats: a new biography (1988), p. 102


ウィリー、あなたってば、いつまで私に同じことを訊くつもり? 私があなたと一緒にいないってことは、あなたの方こそありがたく思うべきだって言ってるでしょう。きっと私がいなくたって、それでもあなたは幸せでいられるわ。



☆ ☆ ☆

I've wanted to read you a very short poem from W. B. Yeats, who some of you may know. He wrote this to his love, Maud Gonne, and he was bewailing the fact that he couldn't really give her what he thought she wanted from him.


And he says, ''I've got something else, but it may not be for you." -- He says this:


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(そら) の刺繍があったなら ---
夜中と日中 (ひなか) と夕暮れの ---、
だが 貧しく、夢しかない僕は
君の足もとに夢を敷く: きっと優しく
踏み () いておくれ、君が歩むのは夢だから。